Silvon Customers

3 Critical Factors For A Successful Demand Forecasting System Implementation
A Demand Forecasting system lives and dies by how well the system implementation is handled. As the trite saying goes, “the devil…

Data Visualization Brings Business Intelligence to Life
While business intelligence tries to make sense of all the data that’s collected each and every day by organizations of all types,…

Improving Demand Forecasting: Is It Worth the Effort?
The attitude of manufacturers has changed over time for many reasons – economic conditions, global competitiveness and profit pressure. So the question…

Why We Struggle To Optimize Inventory
Optimization is defined as making the “best” of anything. The true meaning is in defining what is the “best.” In the case…

Getting SALES To Cooperate With Forecasting (Gulp!)
There are 2 and ½ good reasons to gain input from sales people during the forecasting process. First is to provide feedback…

A Demand Forecasting Checklist That Can Save Your Career
Embarking on a demand forecasting project is usually a somewhat frightening challenge especially if you were the one pushing for the change….

Debunking the Myths of Demand Forecasting
Putting a new forecasting system in place usually meets with a good deal of resistance for a variety of reasons – some…

Analyzing and Managing Supply Chain Risks
The financial health of an enterprise today is directly dependent upon the health of their supply chain. With that exposure, it is…

Creating and Executing an Inventory Plan
Inventory is one of the largest assets on the balance sheet of most manufacturing and distribution companies ― understandably making it a…

Setting Sail With Sales & Operations Planning – Part 2
In Part 1 of “Setting Sail with Sales & Operations Planning” I discussed the wide variety of reasons companies move toward a…